C.C. Gardner
Sierra Madre City Hall, 232 W Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre Civic Club

Don’t miss C.C. Gardner who continues to “garden” under the wistaria vine at City Hall
C.C. Gardner came to Sierra Madre in 1944, which was just in time for her to join the newly established Sierra Madre Civic Club. C.C. became involved with Sierra Madre Civic Club in many ways. In 1958, Phyllis Chapman was President of Civic Club and during her presidency C.C. and other members initiated a city-wide clean-up project. As part of this city-wide project they planted ice plants along the boulevard from city limit to city limit.
In 1960, Sierra Madre Civic Club presented a 100 plant rose garden in Memorial Park. Sierra Madre Civic Club Beautification Committee was formed in 1979. The Beautification Committee seasonally decorates the area under the wistaria vine at City Hall. Sierra Madre Civic Club added the Huck Finn fisherman statue to the area under the wistaria vine at City Hall in 2003.
After years of participating in community activities including: Halloween Window Art; Mt. Wilson Trail Race support; Wistaria docents; and raising money for local student scholarships and other philanthropic donations, C.C. continues to cultivate a garden of giving and community care.
Come visit C.C. under the wistaria vine at City Hall!
Vote by noon on 10/24 in person at Creative Arts Group, or on