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Pete Morris

Watercolor and Drawing

Pete Morris is passionate about watercolor and has been painting for more than 20 years. He works-full time as a graphic artist for a silkscreen printing company and paints watercolors during his lunch breaks, on the drive home from work, on weekends and evenings, whenever he can squeeze it in. The result is hundreds of watercolors painted each year. Whenever possible, he paints on location, “plein air”, but he also does work in his studio. He is known for his Rte. 66 series, paintings of scenes along the historic highway. Recently, Pete has had exhibits at Vroman’s Bookstore Pasadena, Azusa Pacific University, Artshare LA in the Arts District, Archives Bookstore in Pasadena and Sierra Madre City Hall. He posts his ongoing work almost every day on Facebook. Pete has self-published two books. One is called Curbside LA, and is sketches of Los Angeles neighborhoods done to and from work and during his lunch hour. The second is called Riding the Metro and is sketches of people in their environment on Metro trains and buses. Both books are available on the website and can be purchased online in their store. Pete’s work can be seen on his website, You can see Pete in action by viewing a video entitled Metro Da Vinci on YouTube. You can contact Pete at

Pete Morris
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